In Matthew 25:40, Christ tells his disciples, in regard to providing for those in need, that,
“whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”.
St. Timothy reaches out to those needing aid through its social ministries.
Feeding Ministries we offer:
Emma’s Backpack is a feeding ministry which helps children receive healthy meals over the weekend who otherwise might not get enough to eat when the are not in school. Volunteers for this ministry are always welcome as are donations of food or money.
Our Food Pantry is OPEN 11:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. the 1st, 2nd and 3rd THURSDAY each month. We are also open the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 11:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. Call 757-459-2500 during the pantry hours to schedule an appointment.
In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this Agency is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Beautiful prayer shawls are crocheted by a group of our members. You can make a request for a prayer shawl or for someone you know by contacting the church office.
“God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday”: Every September we celebrate together that we are one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. Our congregation will work together on many various service opportunities in our community.
Friends of The Homeless Ministry: This ministry identifies and assists homeless individuals in our community by providing food, clothing, resources for sheltering, and other basic necessities. this ministry also provides blessing bags throughout the year for those in need.
Groups that meet at St. Timothy’s:
AA Groups We currently have three different AA Groups that meet. The meetings are held on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday evenings starting at 7:30.
Alzheimer’s Support Group meets the first Thursday of each month at 11:30.
Book Club meets once per month at 5:00 pm in the fellowship hall where the current book selection is discussed and then a potluck meal is shared. The books are chosen from suggestions by members. A variety of subjects include current best sellers, classics, books of moral and spiritual value, as well as the genres of mystery, humor, drama, etc. from authors such as John Grisham, Fannie Flagg, James Petterson and Philip Gulley.